Endoscopic sinus surgery

The paranasal sinuses are air cavities around the nose and are normally connected to the nasal cavity by air-carrying tubes. When these ducts are clogged, for example by: polyps, fungi, teeth, tumors, chronic inflammation, etc. chronic inflammation of the sinuses develops and needs to be reventilated. Today the solution for chronic sinusitis, is functional endoscopic sinus surgery, called FESS (Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery). This minimally invasive surgical technique uses endoscopic optics, video cameras and special instruments with which it is possible to intervene with great precision even in very small spaces and surfaces. It allows to eliminate secretions accumulated in cavities, bone lamellae that can obstruct the normal flow of air, fungi, teeth in abnormal places and polyps. In this way, the spaces between the nose and the paranasal cavities are widened and a correct air flow is restored that will allow the healing of sinusitis. After this operation the benefit is immediate and the patient already from the first weeks feels the sensation of having a “free nose”.

The operation is performed by introducing the endoscope through the nostrils, without any cut in the skin, it is usually performed under general anesthesia. The endoscopic option allows fast recovery times and less discomfort for the patient, as well as the absence of visible scars on the face. At the end of the operation, to deal with light physiological bleeding, which is usually limited to the first two postoperative days, compresses and absorbable dressings are applied that do not cause discomfort when removed. Fortunately, the tampons of a few years ago, which caused severe discomfort to the patient, are no longer foreseen. Even pain relievers are used only in sporadic cases thanks to new technologies and the minor trauma caused by the procedure.



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